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The Creative Camera Club 

- About Us

The Creative Camera Club has been a part of Lexington for over 50 years. The club has members ranging in photography experience from rote beginners to photography professionals. We meet twice a month on the first and third Thursdays of the month at Crestwood Christian Church in Chalice Hall. At meetings we present educational topics, have curated guest speakers, and host photo competitions. We welcome anyone interested in photography to come by a meeting, introduce yourself, and join in the fun. Guests are also welcome at our meetings.

Outside of club meetings the club has several special interest groups for like-minded people to dig deeper into a variety of interest groups. We also exhibit our works at several venues in town during the year. There are also club field trips and excursions to locations in Lexington and beyond, with some requiring overnight stays. One of the club highlights each year is our annual print show where members can exhibit their best works and compete in a multi-category competition judged by a team of outside expert photographers.

The Creative Camera Club is a member of LexArts which is Lexington’s premier cultural development, advocacy and fundraising organization for the arts. The Creative Camera Club is a LLC and a 501(c)(3) non-profit registered under Kentucky Law.

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