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The Creative Camera Club 

- By-Laws

1      By-Laws of the Creative Camera Club

The by-laws below are the governing rules of the Creative Camera Club.



1. NAME & INITIALS – This organization shall be known as the Creative

Camera Club, Inc. and may be referred to and represented by the initials CCC.

2. USE OF THE CLUB NAME – The name and initials of the club shall not be used for any purpose except as authorized by the Executive Committee.




1. OBJECTIVE – The objective of the club shall be to expose the many areas of photography to individuals of all levels of expertise/achievement in photography and to promote an interest in, and an understanding of, the art and science of photography as a non-profit organization.

2. JURISDICTION – The club shall hold no jurisdiction but shall oversee the supervision of the following:

A. To sanction an annual print show and meeting competitions;

B. To conduct classes and programs to groups on request;

C. To educate all interested individuals or groups in photography as a recreational activity;

D. To encourage the formation of clubs in other communities;

E. To enjoy the sociality incident to the recreation of photography.

3. MEMBERSHIP IN OTHER ORGANIZATIONS – The club shall maintain membership in other organizations, whenever appropriate, to further its objectives as decided by a majority of the membership.

4. NEWSLETTER – There shall be an official newsletter, which is to be sent monthly to the membership.




1. Membership in the club is open to any individual upon payment of the prescribed dues and members shall be eligible to serve on a committee and hold office in the club.

2. AUTHORITY AND DISCIPLINE – As a condition of membership, all individuals shall conform to the provisions of the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of this club. Non-payments of dues shall not be a cause for discipline because club meetings are open to guests. Membership may be suspended or revoked by the Executive Committee if a member fails to conform. If a membership is suspended or revoked for any reason other than non-payment of dues, that member shall have the right of appeal to the general membership. The action of the membership at such an appeal shall be binding.




1. CLUB DUES – The schedule of annual dues shall be $25.00 for regular members, $6.00 for junior members, and $32.00 for a family. Junior membership shall be persons of high school age, under eighteen with full membership privileges except that of holding office. Junior members shall become regular members on January 1st following their eighteenth birthday. For new members the dues will be ½ the original fee if they join at the August meeting or later. Dues shall be due in January of each year.

2. WITHDRAWAL – Any member may withdraw from the club, however, no dues shall be refunded.

3. DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY AND ASSETS – In the event of the final dissolution of the club, its property and assets shall be distributed equally among the current members in good standing at the time of dissolution.

4. REVISION OF DUES – Dues may be revised by the Executive Committee not more than once in a calendar year. Any such revision must be ratified by a simple majority of the members at the next regular meeting before becoming permanent.




1. MEETINGS – Meetings of the club shall occur monthly. The third Thursday of each month shall constitute the regular meeting date. Any random change can be made at the direction of the Executive Committee; however, any permanent change shall be ratified by a majority of the members at the next regular meeting before becoming permanent




1. LIST OF ELECTED OFFICERS – The elected officers of the club shall be as follows:





Three (3) Directors-at-Large

Newsletter Editor

2. ELIGIBILITY – Any member of the club in good standing shall be eligible to be an officer, except junior members.

3. ELECTION – The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Directors-at-Large shall be elected by the membership each October. All elected officers shall begin their duties in January following their election.

4. TERM OF OFFICERS – All elected officers shall serve for a period of (1) year except for the Directors-at-Large specified below. Nothing in these by-laws shall prohibit an officer from being elected to successive terms.

5. TERM OF DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE – In each election year, a Director-at-Large shall be elected for a three (3) year term. If a person is elected to replace a Director who, for any reason, was unable to serve their full term, that Director shall serve out the remaining time of the replaced Director-at-Large.

6. COMPENSATION – Elected officers shall receive no compensation for the performance of their duties.

7. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT – There shall be no residency requirement for any office.

8. DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT – The President shall:

A. Be the Chief Executive Officer of the club;

B. Preside at all meetings of the club and the Executive Committee;

C. See that all By-Laws, Rules and Regulations are strictly enforced;

D. Decide any question concerning the interpretation of the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations which may be submitted to the club in writing by any member, except that any such decision shall be subject to approval, rejection or revision by the majority of the membership;

E. Appoint members to all committees of the club and may substitute or cancel a committee appointment at any time;

F. Cast the deciding vote whenever a tie vote occurs;

G. Perform such other duties that usually appertain to the office of the President;

H. Call for reports of the standing committees at least annually

9. DUTIES OF THE VICE-PRESIDENT – The Vice-President shall:

A. Serve as assistant to the President;

B. Perform duties that are delegated by the President;

C. Perform all duties of the President in absence or disability of the President;

D. Be responsible for all club equipment;

E. Conduct all meeting competitions and be in charge of tabulating results of voting;

F. Be responsible for preparation of meeting room for all meetings.

10. DUTIES OF THE DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE – The Directors-at-Large shall be members of the Executive Committee and shall vote on all matters brought before them. The Directors-at-Large shall serve for 3 years with the following responsibilities by year:

Year 1:  Assemble and coordinate activities of the Membership and Hospitality Committees.  Provide committee activity report at each board meeting.

Year 2: Plan and coordinated the educational workshops for the year.

Year 3:  Assemble and coordinate activities of all additional committees approved by the board.  Annually review the activity level of approved committees and recommend continuation or elimination of each committee.

11. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY – The Secretary shall:

A. Keep complete records of all meetings and the club’s “Levels Program”; (provided however, the President may appoint a member to manager the “Levels Program”);

B. Be responsible, along with the President, for filing all reports;

C. Conduct all official correspondence appertaining to the office, preserving all correspondence received, together with copies of all official correspondence sent out;

D. At all times be prepared to have all records and reports of this office available for inspection by the President or the Executive Committee;

12. DUTIES OF THE TREASURER – The Treasurer shall:

A. Maintain appropriate records in which all financial transactions of the club shall be recorded;

B. At all times be prepared to have all financial records available for inspection by the President or the Executive Committee.

C. Maintain an adequate supply of needed inventory for the club such as ribbons, certificates, plaques, ballots, projector bulbs, etc.

13. DUTIES OF THE NEWSLETTER EDITOR – The editor shall be responsible for preparation of the monthly newsletter and see that it is sent to the membership monthly.




1. Members of the Executive Committee shall be:

·         The Elected Officers of the Club

·         The Immediate Past President

2. THE IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT – The Immediate Past President shall serve in this capacity until replaced by the incumbent President.

3. AUTHORITY – The Executive Committee shall have full administrative authority over all of the affairs of the club. The active management of the club shall be vested in the Executive Committee at all times. Any action taken by the Executive Committee which in any way affects the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the club shall not be considered as binding until ratified by a majority of the membership.

4. QUORUM – Five members of the Executive Committee assembled on call of the President and in actual session shall constitute a quorum.

5. BUSINESS CONDUCTED BY TELEPHONE OR E-MAIL – On an emergency basis, the Executive Committee may, without meeting together, transact business by telephone or e-mail and vote upon proposals.

6. FINANCIAL DIRECTION – The Executive Committee shall act as a committee on Ways and Means to adequately finance the activities of the club. It shall act as a budget committee and shall endeavor to setup and maintain a reasonable balance of receipts and expenditures. As deemed necessary, and with the approval of the Executive Committee, expenses or an honorarium may be granted to non-members invited to present programs at regular meetings of the club.

7. TERMINATION OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP – The withdrawal or revocation of any members shall automatically terminate membership on the Executive Committee. Such vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by general election of the membership. In the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall become the President.

8. VOTING – Voting by proxy is disallowed.




1. LIST OF STANDING COMMITTEES – The standing committees of the club shall be:

·         Membership

·         Public Relations

·         Program

2. DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE – Each standing committee shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than five (5) members of the club in good standing. The Chairman shall be designated. These members shall be appointed by the President within one (1) month after election of the President and shall perform such duties as may be designated herein or as authorized by the Executive Committee or the President

3. DUTIES OF THE PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE – The Public Relations Committee shall devise ways and means of developing a better understanding of the objectives of the club and inspiring an increased appreciation and participation in photography. The committee shall be involved with the material and media through which the public may receive a better knowledge of the ideals, objectives, programs and achievements of the club and its members. The committee shall be responsible for providing new members with a copy of the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations and shall serve in the capacity of a hospitality committee.

4. DUTIES OF THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE – The Program Committee shall be responsible for securing top level individuals recognized in the photography field as well as accomplished club members to provide programs for the membership. With the approval of the Executive Committee, expenses may be reimbursed or an honorarium given to non-member program speakers.

5. REPORTS – The activities of the standing committees shall be reported whenever the President or the Executive Committee, in their respective sole judgment, deems such reports appropriate or expedient. However, reports shall be presented to the membership at least annually.

6. SPECIAL COMMITTEES – The President shall have full power to appoint members to special committees as deemed appropriate.




1. Amendments to the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations can occur by a simple majority vote of members present at a regular meeting of the club and shall have immediate effect.

2. Any amendments to the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations shall be published in the forthcoming newsletter.

2      Annual Print competition and Exhibition


Entry in the Annual Print Competition and Exhibition is limited to those who have attended at least eight (8) club meetings and/or club functions as a paid member during the calendar year in which the show occurs and prior to the month of the show.


Any image may be eligible for the annual print competition provided that the image has not been entered in a previous annual print competition. Images determined to be inappropriate for display by the exhibit host and/or the Executive Committee will not be accepted or exhibited.


Unless modified by the Executive Committee, a maximum of four (4) prints (black and white, color or both for a total of four prints) may be entered. No more than three (3) prints may be entered in any one category.


The Executive Committee shall determine the time and date


The Executive Committee shall determine the location


The Executive Committee shall review all Annual Print Competition and Exhibition categories annually. This review shall consider current member interest and participation in all categories as well as requests from the membership for the consideration of additional categories or for the modification of existing categories. Any changes to the categories set forth below, other than the Wild Card category, shall be announced to the general membership no later than the February newsletter of the year in which the change will take effect.

There may be color and black and white/monochrome entries in each category. The categories shall be as noted below:

STILL LIFE:  An image captured in which the photographer has the ability to position and arrange the subject (which is typically inanimate items) and has control of the lighting. The ability to manipulate the appearance of the image is crucial. It should be contrasted with a found object where the photographer simply photographs a subject without the ability to position or light it.

BIRDS:  Any image in which birds are the primary subject.

ABANDONED:  Images of assumedly abandoned or left-behind objects, buildings or areas.  Photographers are especially encouraged to be cognizant of the issues of safety, permissions and trespass with this category.

SCENIC:  An image where the combination of both natural and man-made elements co-exist to produce a pleasing scenic image.   Either can be dominant but both must be present.

HAND OF MAN:  Man-made objects must be the focal point. Natural objects may be included as minor elements.

NATURAL PICTORIAL:  Natural objects must be the focal point. No evidence of man-made activities or objects shall be permitted.

FLORA:  Any photo with plants or plant life as the primary subject.

FAUNA Any photo which has animals or animal life as the primary subject and which DOES NOT include birds as the only subject, since they are a separate category.

SPORTS AND RECREATION:  Any sporting or recreational activity.

PHOTOJOURNALISM:  Story-telling photographs of “Man and Man’s Environment.” This category includes documentary, contemporary life, illustrative, news and human interest. Special emphasis is given to life in our world.

ABSTRACT:  An image that does not depict objects realistically but rather in patterns or forms of lines, masses, or colors. These abstract characteristics of the image must be produced during the action of taking the photograph in-camera, and not through techniques implemented during post-processing.

CREATIVE:  An image whose origin is a photograph (or photographs) captured in-camera, then manipulated digitally in image editing software without limitation. Included will be images manipulated using creative filters provided in Photoshop or via various 3rd party plug-ins, composite images representing the combining of two or more photographs and images resulting from the use of “actions” within the digital image processing step that may morph the original image(s) into something that bears little resemblance to the original. All parts of the image must be the work of the photographer.

PORTRAIT:  A photograph primarily of a person, especially of the face, i.e. a description, portrayal, etc., of a person(s).

ARCHITCTURE:  Any man-made building or structure or part thereof.


Wild Card:  The Executive Committee may elect to establish one wild card category for any Annual Print Show and Competition. A wild card category may be in addition to the categories set forth above. The subject and conditions governing any wild card category shall be announced to the general membership not later than the July newsletter preceding the Annual Print Show and Competition.

2024 WILDCARD: B&W Barns

Three entries are required to permit a separate category for judging. If less than three color or three black and white entries are received, they will be grouped into a common category for judging. Example: “Hand of Man” receives 12 color entries and 2 B&W entries. All entries would then be combined and judged as a group.


Unless modified by the Executive Committee, the print may be matted in any color and the overall area of the mat (including the picture) shall not be more than 384 square inches (Example: 16 x 24 inches) with the longest dimension being not more than 36 inches. There is no minimum size. The print must be framed in a simple metal frame of any color and must have sturdy wire on the back to allow hanging. All prints must be behind glass.


The Annual Print Competition shall have awards as follows:

A. Each entry may receive a maximum of two awards. One from the panel of judges and one Club Choice award.

B. An impartial panel of judges shall decide overall best of show entries and competition category awards. There will be awards for Best of Show, Best Color and Best Black and White. Four (4) awards may be awarded in each category: first place, second place, third place and honorable mention. If there are less than four (4) entries in a category, after the removal of any best of show winners, the judges shall award place awards as may be appropriate to the circumstances.

C. The club will determine by written secret ballot the best entry in each of the categories. If there is only one print in a category, the ballot shall provide for a Yes (the print should receive the club choice award) or No (no club award should be given in this category). The winner in each category will receive a Club Choice Award.

D. Levels Points shall be awarded for each of the above awards as set forth in the provisions of the Level’s program


Prints will be judged by at least three (3) photographers selected by the Executive Committee. The judges shall come from varied photographic specialties whenever possible. Photographs will be judged on the basis of technical quality, impact and overall neatness. They are not to be judged on matting or framing. The judges shall not have the authority to move a print from the category in which it is entered. Duplicate awards shall not be given. The Executive Committee shall issue instructions in conformance with the Rules and Regulations to each judge.


Each print must include identifying data and the category in which it is entered on the back to insure proper credit of the owner and shall not have the owners name visible on the front at the time of judging.


An identifying name card will be placed on or near each print following judging and the distribution of awards.


Members entering black and white prints in the annual print competition shall have their points counted toward the Black & White Photographer of the Year award. Members entering color prints in the annual print competition shall have their points counted toward the Digital Color Photographer of the Year award


The Creative Camera Club and the sponsoring gallery are not responsible for any damage which prints may incur. Care should be taken to assure print frames are properly assembled. All prints must be framed under glass, so as to provide a consistent look and to avoid any accidental damage that may be incurred during cleaning.

3      Monthly Meeting Competitions

1.   There shall be member competitions at selected monthly meetings. The Executive Committee and the membership shall determine the number of competitions. The number of meeting competitions shall be no less than 4 and no more than 12.

2.   Meeting Competition Categories shall be selected from a survey of the membership. The Executive Committee shall see that the categories are published in the monthly newsletter as early as practical prior to the beginning of each calendar year.

3.   Meeting competitions shall be open to current members and shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) entries per competition.

4.   Meeting competitions shall be divided into 8 classes. There shall be a digital class in color for novice, beginners, intermediate and advanced photographers. There shall be a digital class in black and white for novice, beginners, intermediate and advanced photographers.

The classes are defined as follows:

A) Beginner Digital– A beginner is any individual who is new to photography and/or feels that they have mastered very few of the basic skills in this area of photography or who has started or is taking basic photography classes to improve their skills. Those who are in the beginner color class and who have won a total of four (4) or more first or second place awards in the meeting color competitions and/or annual print competition or receive the beginner digital color/B&W photographer of the year award must move to the intermediate class at the end of the year. Beginners shall have the opportunity to move up in class at any time if they so desire.

B) Intermediate Digital– This includes individuals who are not professionals or advanced photographers and feel that they are beyond the beginner stage. Those who are in the intermediate class and who have won a total of four (4) or more first place awards in the meeting competitions and/or annual print competition or receive the intermediate digital Color/B&W photographer of the year award must move to the advanced class at the end of the year. Intermediates shall have the opportunity to move to the advanced class at any time if they so desire.

C) Advanced Digital– An advanced individual is anyone who feels that they are advanced in their photographic skills or who has advanced through another class. All professional photographers must enter the advanced class in all competition categories. A professional is defined as a member that derives at least one-half of his/her gross annual income from the sale of photographs.

D. Novice – The Novice competition class is intended for members new to photography or new to digital photography and new to the club. New members do not have to start out in this category. As with other competition classes, Novice members may move up to the Beginner class at any time. Members may remain in Novice for a maximum of two years but then will be promoted to Beginner after two calendar years.

Novice members will also be automatically promoted to Beginner after winning a total of four first or second place awards in the Novice class. As a new class in 2016 the wins counted toward promotion will begin once there are 10 people registered as Novice. For 2016 only, current members with less than two years of membership in the club may move into the Novice class (grandfather clause).

5.   In order to receive points toward Photographer of the Year in any class, certain conditions have to be met. During the regular monthly competitions there must be a minimum of two entrants in a given class for a competition to take place in that class. A sole entrant in a class will not receive points toward Photographer of the Year. There must be a minimum of two competitions in a class during the year for any entrants in that class to accumulate any points toward Photographer of the Year. No Photographer of the Year will be awarded in a class if no Photographer of the Year points have been accumulated in that class during monthly competitions.

6.   For the purpose of counting first place awards, the following annual print competition awards shall be considered to be the same as first place awards: Club’s Choice, Best of Show, Best Color Print and Best Black and White Print.

7.   Individuals in any class who have entered at least 50% of the total number of possible entries during a calendar year, in that particular competition class, (including meeting competitions and the annual print show) and failed to win an award during the calendar year shall be allowed to move down to the next lower class beginning with the new calendar year. Professionals shall not be granted this option.

8.   All entries must be related to the monthly assigned subject, but creative techniques such as HDR, stitched images, and stacked focus ( aka helicon focus ), etc. shall be permitted, unless there is a conflict with the competition category descriptions. Composite photos ( including double exposures ) will not be permitted except in the instance that “Composites” is the assigned category for the month. Superimposed titles will not be permitted.

9.   No digital image or print that has won an award in CCC meeting competition may be entered in any CCC meeting competition thereafter. Entries that have won an award in meeting competition may be entered in the annual print show according to the rules of that show.



The club levels program is designed to award points to members regardless of competitive class and shall take into consideration the involvement of the members in meeting competitions, annual print show competitions, competitions of other clubs, special competitions, and involvement in the activities of the club in general.

In addition to levels points, certain activities also generate Attendance Credits (AC) used to determine eligibility for the annual print show.



The levels established by accumulation of points is as follows:

Level    Points

1          75

2          150

3          300

4          600

5          1000

6          1500

7          2000

8          2500

9          3000

10        6000

1.1.1    Additional Information

•          Members shall be given a certificate/award at the final meeting of the year upon achievement of each level.

•          Any amendment to the level’s program shall become effective immediately and shall not retroactively affect any member’s point standing.

•          Members shall be responsible for notifying the person responsible for tabulating the Level’s Program points of activities outside the club in which points are earned.  Members must submit this information within ninety (90) days following the completion date of the activity.  Any submission not meeting the ninety (90) day timeline will not be counted.

•          Any past CCC member, who has not been a paid member for five years or more, shall lose all past levels points.


Photographer of the Year (PoY) is awarded to the member with the most CCC competition points in each category.  PoY is awarded for both Black and White, and for Color in each category.  PoY points are indicated by (PoY) in the activities list.


The points system is established as follows:

Activity            Points

Attending CCC Meeting          1


Entry in CCC meeting or annual competitions (points per entry)      1

1st place (meeting or annual competition)    10


2nd place (meeting or annual competition)   8


3rd place (meeting or annual competition)    7


Honorable Mention place (meeting or annual competition) 6


Annual Print Competition: Best of Show        20


Annual Print Competition: Best Color or Best Black and White         15


Annual Print Competition: Club Choice in each category      12


Chair CCC annual print competition.  15

Help with annual print competition.  5

Serve as President – per year.            25

Club officer/director – per year.        12

Chair a committee.     8

Chair a temporary committee.           6

Member of committee.          5

Present CCC program, workshop, or seminar.           8

Present member slide show or present a mini-lesson.          3

Critique a club competition.   5

Serve as panel member for CCC Programs, workshops, seminars.   2

Organize/co-organize CCC outing, field trip, etc. 5 pts/day, max 15 per outing.      5

Attend CCC outing, field trip, etc. 2 pts/day, max 6 per year.           2


Photograph community events as approved by board (ie Special Olympics.)          5


Bring in new member who was not previously a CCC member.        5

Advance in class.         5

Exhibit prints at selected CCC site. One point per print for the duration of exhibition of prints at that site, with a maximum of two points per exhibitor at each site.  Max 12 points per year.            1


A minimum of 50% of points earned during any calendar year must come from CCC related activities.  No more than 50% of points earned during any calendar year may come from non-CCC club sponsored activities.  These items are listed below.

Activity            Points

Attend any photography class (6 hour minimum.)    3

Attend any photo workshop/weekend open to the public and not requiring another organizational membership.   3

Photo workshop or weekend competition points:    

Entry (4 max)  1

1st place          10

2nd place        8

3rd place         7

Honorable Mention    6

Best in Show    15

Present photography program to another club or other organization membership. Not to be done for pay other than reimbursement for expenses.  Limited to 16 points maximum per year.           4

Present an exhibit containing a collection of personal works in a public venue (one point per work displayed and limited to 10 points per year.)     1-10

Judge photo contest for another club or organization.         5

Teach a photography class at a public or private educational facility. Not to be done for pay other than reimbursement for expenses.  Limited to 24 points maximum per year.     6


Entry in the Annual Print Competition and Exhibition is limited to those who have at least six (6) Attendance Credits (AC) for attending club meetings and/or club functions as a paid member during the calendar year in which the show occurs and prior to the month of the show.

Attendance credits are awarded for attending a CCC meeting (Regular and First Thursday) and attending a CCC outing (Trips and Community events.)  Attending an eligible event generates one (1) attendance credit regardless of the level points for the event.  Attendance credit activities are indicated by (AC) in the activities list.

NOTE:  Members must sign in to receive attendance credit for an event.

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