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The Creative Camera Club 

- Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us at We do not sell personal information. We aim to provide seamless, fun, and informative club communication, and that’s it. Some information is still required in order for the site to function properly and for the experience to be as efficient for you, the user, as possible.  We only collect personal information that is relevant to the purpose of our website. This information allows us to provide you with a customized and efficient experience.


Information you provide to


  1. Registration: In order for you to use the website, you must complete a registration form. On this form you will be asked to provide your name and email address. nickname or prefered name is sufficient as long as the name you provide does not violate our Terms of Use. But we recommend you enter a name that will be recognized by other members of the club. This name will be displayed on your profile page and near any photos or comments you provide. Your email address, on the other hand, must be authentic. This is how we verify your identity, keep others from hacking your account, and communicate with you, with your consent.


  1. User Profile: Each member of has the option to maintain a profile page. This allows members to share more detailed information about themselves, if they choose to do so. The information shown on a profile page can include things such as website links, camera gear and photographic preferences. This information will be viewable by other members of, and by site. Please do not include any information you are not comfortable sharing.


Club members have the right to edit, update, access, or remove personal information at any time, or if you terminate your membership with


Automatic Information Collected

  1.  Traffic Data: The site recieves and stores certain types of information whenever you interact with We will automatically receive and record certain "traffic data" in our server logs from your browser and apps including your IP address, cookie information, and the page you requested. We use this traffic data to help diagnose problems with our servers, analyze trends, and administer the website. This does not involve collecting any of your personal information.


  1. Device Data: We may collect information about the device you're using to access, its operating system, unique device identifier, and crash data. This data is again used to help us diagnose problems with the site and analyze trends. This does not involve collecting any of your personal information.


  1. Photographic Data: Whenever you upload a photo to gallery or contest, the EXIF data of that photo, if present, will may be read. No location or personal information is read or saved. The information collected from photo EXIF data is limited to camera make and model, lens length, lens make and model, shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings used when taking the photo.




Cookies are small pieces of text or data that a website sends to your browser when you visit it. They are generated by a web server and stored on your computer. Cookies can help websites remember information about your visit, such as your preferences, logins, and shopping cart. This can make it easier to visit the site again and make it more useful to you. We use cookies because we need a way to associate your browser with your account, but we never store any personal information in them.




Your login and password are stored on our system. The password is encrypted so no one (not even us) can read it. This is how we protect your password, even if our system is hacked. Though no amount of security can protect against all data breaches, everything that can be done is done to protect your account. These safeguards help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of data, but NO GUARANTEE CAN BE MADE THAT YOUR INFORMATION AND DATA WILL BE SECURE FROM INTRUSIONS AND UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE TO THIRD PARTIES. You should also best practices for login and password information security on your end as well.


Changes to This Privacy Policy


The Creative Camera Club may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time, at its sole discretion. Use of information we collect now is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is used. If we make changes to the Privacy Policy that impacts your personal information, we will notify you by posting an announcement on the website so you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, it is disclosed.

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